Andy’s Blog 

The Key to Developing Trust in Your Marriage

The Key to Developing Trust in Your Marriage

Trust is the most critical element in a healthy marriage. In this video, I explain how to build it and how to restore it if it is broken.   The most important thing: don’t break that trust in the first place....

The Secret to Teaching Kids Responsibility

The Secret to Teaching Kids Responsibility

Responsibility is one of the most important things to teach our kids. But how exactly do you go about explaining it to them? In this video, I explain what I’ve done with my kids.   Video Notes:   Children need to understand...

My All-Time Favorite Books

My All-Time Favorite Books

Many readers have written in asking what my all-time favorite books are. In this video post, I name a few favorites and explain why it’s so important to read both nonfiction and fiction.   Video Notes:   My...

The Source of True Happiness

The Source of True Happiness

Stop for a moment and think of the happiest people you know. Picture their faces in your mind’s eye. They’re probably smiling, laughing, or cheerfully greeting you. They’re those people who always seem to be happy—no matter what! What’s their secret? Were they born...

Why You Should Be a Morning Person

Why You Should Be a Morning Person

In this video blog post, I answer a question from a reader that tons of people have struggled with…including myself. “I’m working on getting up early in the morning, but I’m having trouble with it. Maybe I’m just not a morning person. How do you do it?”  ...

A 5-Minute Video Guide to Expanding Your Thinking

A 5-Minute Video Guide to Expanding Your Thinking

I’ve talked a lot lately about the importance of “expanding your thinking,” which has led to many questions about what exactly that means…and how to go about actually doing it. I’ve laid it all out for you in this new video post:

Why You Can’t Believe Everything You Think

Why You Can’t Believe Everything You Think

In this video blog, I further explain Jones’ curious advice from The Noticer Returns: “You can’t always believe everything you think.” If you want to learn how to expand your thinking and constantly come up with new ideas and solutions, watch it now!  ...

The Noticer Returns Interview

The Noticer Returns Interview

As you may know, my new book, The Noticer Returns, released this week! In anticipation of release week, my team sat me down and asked a few questions about the book. We discussed everything from common parenting mistakes to unexpected surprises you’ll find as you get...

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