Andy’s Blog 

My Favorite Perfect Moments

I recently released a brand new eBook for free called The Perfect Moment: Capturing Life’s Greatest Gifts. It’s a a true story about a regular afternoon I experienced with my 8-year-old son that changed my life forever. I’ve been truly amazed and humbled by the...

What Will You Leave for Your Family?

If anyone knows how fragile the life of a parent is...I do. My parents died within the span of a few months when I was 19 years old—Mama from cancer and Daddy from a car accident. They were gone before I even knew I had questions that I would love to hear answered. It...

Happy Birthday to Me…and You!

Let’s go ahead and get it out of the way…today is my birthday. But I’m not writing this to talk about me. I’m writing to talk about you—and, more importantly, something I want you to have! You see, today isn’t a special day just for me. It’s also a special day for a...

Chances To Win

I needed to travel and to get far away from Joey and Tioga sounded the best place for me: lakes and nature all around me would help me a lot , I was pretty sure, But there was something that I still wanted and this were my favorite casino games. Well, my story...

What Do You Want Me To Write About?

Hey everyone! This week's blog is short, but still important. All I want to do is ask you one question: Is there anything you’d like to see me write a blog post about? I’ve got plenty of ideas, but I’ve also noticed over the years that great things can come from your...

My Secret Source for Amazing Mother’s Day Gifts

This week, Andy recorded a special video blog for 2 reasons: To personally wish all you moms out there a happy Mother’s Day To give all you dads and kids out there the best idea you’ll ever find for mom’s gift this year

How I Transformed My Office Into a Source of Inspiration

Oddly enough, my office is my favorite room in the whole house. I say that it’s odd because if I’m in my office it’s usually just for one thing—writing. And writing is not my favorite thing to do. In fact, if you know me at all, you probably know that I don’t enjoy...

3 Reasons Why You Should Take More Risks

One of the things I’ve learned to embrace in life is the art of taking risks. Now, when I say “risks” I’m not talking about betting your savings account on a horse race or going skydiving. I’m talking about doing things that most people would consider to be out of the...

6 Steps to Ignite Your Purpose

Most people live their entire life according to what is. They make their decisions according to what is, and they claim to be proponents of reality. I would urge you to not think this way. Life is too short to live according to what is. Instead, I encourage you to...

Discover the Key to a More Joyful and Fulfilling Life


Learn how to embrace joy, transform your perspective, and positively impact those around you. Download now to begin creating a life of lasting happiness and profound success!

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