Happy Birthday to Me…and You!

Happy Birthday to Me…and You!

Let’s go ahead and get it out of the way…today is my birthday. But I’m not writing this to talk about me. I’m writing to talk about you—and, more importantly, something I want you to have! You see, today isn’t a special day just for me. It’s also a special day for a...
3 Reasons Why You Should Take More Risks

3 Reasons Why You Should Take More Risks

One of the things I’ve learned to embrace in life is the art of taking risks. Now, when I say “risks” I’m not talking about betting your savings account on a horse race or going skydiving. I’m talking about doing things that most people would consider to be out of the...
6 Steps to Ignite Your Purpose

6 Steps to Ignite Your Purpose

Most people live their entire life according to what is. They make their decisions according to what is, and they claim to be proponents of reality. I would urge you to not think this way. Life is too short to live according to what is. Instead, I encourage you to...
Andy on the Radio in YOUR Hometown!

Andy on the Radio in YOUR Hometown!

Andy will be hitting the airwaves again in cities all over the country on Monday, April 18th, in support of The Final Summit. Check out the list of stations below and tune in to ask Andy questions when he comes on your local radio station.  * Denotes LIVE. All...
Book review: ‘The Final Summit’ by Andy Andrews

Book review: ‘The Final Summit’ by Andy Andrews

By Bonnie Latino, this review originally appeared on Sunday, April 10 in the Living Arts Book Page, Mobile Press-Register.   Orange Beach resident and best-selling author Andy Andrews is best known for wrapping self-help narrative around astonishing and often...

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