Thou Shalt Not Kid Thyself

Thou Shalt Not Kid Thyself

If you’re reading this, you’ve probably heard the story of Moses and the Ten Commandments. You can probably even rattle off most of the commandments without thinking too hard—don’t lie, don’t steal, don’t covet, don’t kill, don’t commit adultery, etc. But if you have...
The “D” Word

The “D” Word

Cover your eyes, because I’m about to type it. That’s right, the “D” word. This word is something that has a bad rap in the minds of most people, and I’m about to explain why it’s time to change the way we think about it. After all, you wouldn’t have formed a single...
The Ramen Noodle School of Wisdom

The Ramen Noodle School of Wisdom

Instant Wisdom. That phrase or idea sounds like an oxymoron, doesn’t it? After all, isn’t wisdom something we can only obtain once we are old, seasoned, and possess a long, gray beard? Don’t we have to live things before we can possess wisdom about them? Actually…no....
10 Ways to Get a Head Start on the New Year

10 Ways to Get a Head Start on the New Year

Hey, everyone! Wherever you are today, I hope you and your family had a Merry Christmas! Typically, next week would be the time to send out a sort of “Year in Review” blog, but I already have something else special planned for next week (stay tuned!), so I...
A Christmas Q&A with Andy

A Christmas Q&A with Andy

Q. What kind of tree do you like? A. We always get a live Fraser Fir. When the tree is up and lit, it probably looks like a Christmas decoration factory exploded nearby and everything landed on our tree. But we like it…   Q. Do you have any special...
Gratefulness, Perspective, and Gordon Mote

Gratefulness, Perspective, and Gordon Mote

Is there someone you always look forward to seeing?  Hopefully there are several “someones”!  Have you ever taken the time to consider exactly what it is about certain people that makes them so easy to be around?  What is the actual foundation of a...

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