What Was Your Favorite Christmas?

Dec 19, 2009 | Family

What was your favorite Christmas?  Perhaps favorite isn’t the best word. 
How about . . . memorable?  I have several favorites.  The year I got a raccoon was one of them for several different reasons.  It ranks right up there with all the Christmas days at my grandparent’s house.  Those were the best!  But the most memorable is no contest.  It was the year of the Christmas Eve blizzard!



Stocking Tag

Before I tell you the story of the snowstorm, I want to wish you Merry Christmas! Where ever you are reading this in the world, please know that I am grateful for your presence in my life this year.  I have enjoyed communicating with you via Twitter and reading your thoughts on this blog. Your ideas and encouragement have been a beacon of inspiration to me.  You are the BEST!

Now, sit back and close your eyes.  I’d like to read Chapter 20 from Return To Sawyerton Springs for you.  Eyes closed?  My boys will snuggle up next to us while I read.  Lets read it right here beside the Christmas tree . . .  here we go.

Listen to the Christmas Story Below

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