Ten Years Later

Jun 6, 2018 | Writing

Yes, the official release date is June 12, but to be assured of obtaining a copy, you can pre-order here right now.

“But wait,” you say, “haven’t I read this book before?”

My sly, cagey answer would be, “No. No, you haven’t. At least, not this book.” Here’s the story…

Eleven years ago, The Traveler’s Gift had established itself worldwide. ABC’s Good Morning America listed it as one of their “Five Books To Read In A Lifetime.” It had been out for less than five years and already, the book had sold several million copies in almost thirty languages.

It was about that time—early in 2008—when I wrote the sequel.

Huddled alone for weeks in a friend’s tiny shore side cottage, I prayed to be given words that would engage minds and hearts, steering people to the truth, allowing them to approach an answer that, when understood and accepted, would change everything.

It was never released.

I was told that a sequel was not a good idea and that what I had written needed to be separated from any connection with The Traveler’s Gift. I disagreed as vehemently as possible to no avail. At that point in my career, I had very little “say.”

The book was released as The Final Summit and immediately disappeared. It never reached 1% of The Traveler’s Gift sales.

I was sad and confused. Weren’t these words given to me for a purpose? Was what I wrote supposed to be hidden away forever? Truly, I did not understand.

Then, after more than a decade, someone at Harper Collins read the original manuscript. Others at the publishing house got involved and before long, they came to me with an amazing idea…

“Why don’t we re-release it?” they said. “And…get this…let’s position it as a sequel and call it The Traveler’s Summit!

“What a wonderful idea,” I replied. “And how clever! BUT…for those ten or twelve folks who might have already read the main part of the book, I want to write an additional story…the story of where David Ponder is today, right now!

They agreed and I wrote an extra 7,000 words!

And that, my friend, is the scoop! So…if you don’t mind (and you believe this book will help people) I’d really appreciate you sharing and getting the word out about The Traveler’s Summit!

Truly, this one has been on my heart for ten years!

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