Podcast Episode 38: How To Make Father’s Day Truly Special

Jun 8, 2012 | Podcasts

In The Loop with Andy Andrews, hosted by Andy Traub.

Andy talks about the best thing kids can do for their dads on Father’s Day, and the best thing dads can do for their kids.


A.T. asks Andy: “What is Father’s Day like for you since you lost your father at a young age?”

  • It’s odd to Andy that his wife and kids never knew his dad.
  • Andy makes an effort to look at Adam and Austin and see the good qualities his dad possessed that they also have.
  • Instead of getting sad about his dad being gone, he focuses on talking to the boys about a legacy and a thought process that he is trying to pass down to them so they can continue the family’s traditions, attitudes, and qualities.


How can we take care of dad’s in a unique way on Father’s Day?

  • For kids—get a nice box and make it into a treasure chest of sorts.
  • Write a letter to your dad about what this treasure chest is. Tell him about the qualities he has that you want to have in your life. Honor him with the letter.
  • Ask him: What do you think about? What is important for me?
  • Dads—you will take this box and create a treasure chest for your child. On the top, you will put the date when your child can take possession of the treasure chest.
  • Dads will put a book in there that will be important to their child. Write why it will be important to them in the front of the book. Fill it with books that have been important to you. Fill it with things that have been important to you and things that have reminded you of your child.
  • Handwriting is important. Seeing a parent’s handwriting gives your child a special connection.


You don’t just leave a legacy for your kids. You build a legacy, and then you leave it.

  • We need to be intentional about the legacy we are building.
  • What can you begin building today to leave for your kids?


Questions for Listeners

  • Do you have a question? Call in and your question might be featured on the show!


If you have questions or comments for THE PROFESSIONAL NOTICER, please contact us at: TheProfessionalNoticer@AndyAndrews.com

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