Podcast Episode 222: Should You Give Your Children an Allowance?

Jan 30, 2016 | Podcasts

In The Loop with Andy Andrews, hosted by David Loy

Click here to download the transcript of this episode.


On this week’s episode, I answer a listener question on allowance, tithes, and savings.


You should become a person who studies parenting whether you have kids or not because it has to do with employee/employer relations, sales, and almost every form of society.

  • Parenting is the fulcrum that society tilts upon.
  • If we want our children to achieve great things as an adult, we must be responsible, calm, and able to provide an understanding of how things work.


We don’t give the boys money for anything.

  • They do chores and their reward is they get to live in our house. That is being part of the family.
  • We sometimes give them gifts, but if something is not taken care of, it’s not just about the money, it’s about what the money represents.


God commands us to give.

  • If we look at money as a blessing, giving the first of it is saying we trust there will be enough.
  • I have lived very close to the bone a number of years and I must say that when Polly and I started tithing, it was really at the insistence of Polly.
  • As I began to learn how to tithe properly, I realized we were never without.


Listen to the entire episode to hear about one of the proudest moments of Andy’s life.


Questions for Andy

Would you like to run something by Andy? Contact us and your question might be featured on the show!

  • Phone: 1-800-726-ANDY
  • Email: InTheLoop@AndyAndrews.com
  • Facebook.com/AndyAndrews
  • Twitter.com/AndyAndrews

If you have questions or comments for THE PROFESSIONAL NOTICER, please contact us at: TheProfessionalNoticer@AndyAndrews.com

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