Podcast Episode 293: How to Teach Your Child Self-Control

In The Loop with Andy Andrews, hosted by David Loy In this episode, we answer a listener’s question on self-control. You can’t force real change in your child. Most parents who want their child to change, try to force the change by setting tight rules. To change...

Podcast Episode 291: How to Lead When You Feel Unqualified

In The Loop with Andy Andrews, hosted by David Loy In this episode, we answer a listener’s question on confidence in leadership   Good leaders are honest about what they know. We don’t follow people who claim to know everything. Good leaders admit they don’t know...

Podcast Episode 290: How to Create True, Lasting Change

In The Loop with Andy Andrews, hosted by David Loy   In this episode, we demonstrate how to harness the two ingredients of real, lasting change with a chapter from The Little Things.   Why does change give us such a hard time? It has to do with our three...

Podcast Episode 289: Why “Almost” Can Be Dangerous

In the Loop with Andy Andrews, hosted by David Loy   In this episode, Andy reads a chapter from The Little Things on the concept of “almost.”   A little thing (like 1/16th of an inch) can make a huge difference. Most people attempt to create the big picture all...

Podcast Episode 288: Where Is God in Our Hardships?

In The Loop with Andy Andrews, hosted by David Loy   In this episode, we answer a listener’s question on overcoming hardships.   God knows what He’s doing. We have a limited understanding. Sometimes parents allow their children to go through difficulties...

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