Join My Facebook Fan Page

Join My Facebook Fan Page

Hi Friends!?? Unfortunately, due to Facebook rules and limits, I am being forced to “unfriend,” (THEIR term – not mine) everyone on my Facebook page and create a “Fan Page”. ??According to their rules, if you want to keep up with me on Facebook, you...
Entertain Your Family and Friends

Entertain Your Family and Friends

Years ago, I became convinced that the best writers in the world have not yet been published.  I am certain that the best singers are not in New York or Las Vegas or on your radio.  They are most likely in a local band down the street from you or in your church...
Andy Andrews on Good Morning America

Andy Andrews on Good Morning America

Andy Andrews Promotes The Noticer on Good Morning America A Special Message from Michael S. Hyatt: In an attempt to get this book to #1 on’s bestseller list, we would like to offer you something truly unique for us as a publishing company: A FREE...
A Special Offer from Thomas Nelson

A Special Offer from Thomas Nelson

Dear Friends, I am coming to you with an unprecedented offer on one of our hottest new books. We just released The Noticer by Andy Andrews, the author of the New York Times bestseller The Traveler’s Gift. Without question, Andy has done it again! The Noticer is...
Andy Andrews on TV & Radio

Andy Andrews on TV & Radio

Hi Everyone! We wanted to keep you in the loop and let you know where you can listen and see Andy Andrews in the next week. Tuesday, April 28th, Andy will be on LIVE with Rick and Bubba Show from 7:00 am – 8:00 am CST or on XM 158 at 11 am CST. Check your local...
The Proof of Hope

The Proof of Hope

At this moment, I am alone outside, watching the sunrise over the ocean on the north shore of Oahu. A quick calculation reveals that I have personally experienced more than 18,000 dawns in my life. Of course, most of them occurred without my presence! Nonetheless, I...

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