The Remarkable Parenting Wisdom You Can Gain From… A Marshmallow?
What, you may ask, does a marshmallow have to do with parenting? Well, it’s mighty tasty melted with milk chocolate between two graham crackers over an open fire. And certainly, many a fond parent-child memory has been created in the back yard or campground making...
What Is Our Silence Worth to Miley Cyrus?
Spreading the word about certain people whose work (I believe) deserves a larger audience is one of my favorite things to do! Privately and publicly, I do it constantly. Frankly, it aggravates me to hear people complain about the books and songs that are at the...
The Benefits of Setting Standards in Your Life
In this video blog, I discuss one of the most important concepts our society needs to grasp: What “standards” do we need to set in our lives? Video Notes A standard is an agreed-upon level of achievement that stands alone. There...
How to Keep Technology from Ruling Your Child’s Mind
In this video blog, I answer an important reader question: How much access to technology do you give your children? At what point should kids get their own cell phones, computers, etc? My kids’ access to technology: My oldest son didn’t get a cell...