The Andy Andrews Law of Inverse Proportion

The Andy Andrews Law of Inverse Proportion

Have you ever wondered if there is a connection between “this” and “that”?   I am often curious about why “happenings” that are really quite opposite seem to run in tandem.  For instance, do you sometimes seem the most...
Your Personal Water Tank

Your Personal Water Tank

Several years ago, we had almost finished rebuilding our house after the devastation of Hurricane Ivan.  When it came time to choose appliances, I let Polly take the lead.  To me, a dishwasher is a dishwasher.  The only exception was the...
The Second Half Is About To Begin!

The Second Half Is About To Begin!

        Thank God for the second half!     Have you ever had that thought?  Has your team ever performed below expectations in the first half, only to seem like a different group altogether in the second half?  Well, in a...
What You Don’t Know CAN Hurt You!

What You Don’t Know CAN Hurt You!

Last week, two people drowned on Perdido Key.   Our house is not on the beach, but we do live near it and every time something tragic happens in or around our coastal community, the news spreads quickly.  Unfortunately, drownings are a fairly common...
What Do I Do Now?

What Do I Do Now?

After my last posting entitled “Here We Go …”, I have enjoyed reading your comments on the blog, on Twitter, and on Facebook. I have also talked to quite a few of you in person.  It has been interesting to note that as excited as we all seem to be, there is...
Here We Go

Here We Go

I don’t know when you are reading this, but I am writing it in the middle of the night.  That seems to be the proper time for a decision such as this.  Most public figures would be counseled earnestly to avoid what I am about to do . . . Let me begin by acknowledging...

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