Andy’s Blog 

Goodbye, Mr. Foster

Goodbye, Mr. Foster

I met him at least eight years ago—maybe ten—on Concourse A at the Atlanta Hartsfield International Airport. He wore black pants and a white shirt with a black tie and bib apron. "Let me carry that for you, young man," he said, noticing the balancing act I was...

My Olympic Suggestions

My Olympic Suggestions

Several weeks ago, I realized that for the first time in my life, I was not interested in the upcoming Olympic games. Having always been a huge fan, I wasn't sure if my indifference was due to the "China" factor or the realization that my short-term goals do not...

The Worst Day of the Year

The Worst Day of the Year

I will warn you now. This particular posting is not for children ... There. That got your attention, didn't it? Well, here goes ... Remember the Fifth Decision, Today I Will Choose To Be Happy? I must confess that "today" ... I am not! Here on the gulf coast, it is...

To Err is Human …

To Err is Human …

He was a CEO—a leader of thousands. I had seen him on television and read about him in magazines and newspapers. I had only met the man an hour before, but now, I watched as he laid his head on his desk and cried. His stockholders had turned their backs, the...

TV or Not TV … That is the Question!

TV or Not TV … That is the Question!

How much television do you watch? The A.C. Nielsen Company recently reported that 95% of Americans get a strong dose of television every day. The average adult watches a bit more than 34 hours per week; the average child between the ages of two and five watches 3.5...

Please Brett … Don’t

Please Brett … Don’t

I remember the day last spring when Brett Favre retired. My eight year old heard it first and came to tell me. Two days later, we watched his press conference together on ESPN and then carefully saved the following week's Sports Illustrated with Brett on the cover,...

To Tell The Truth

To Tell The Truth

"Dad? How do you tell the good guys from the bad guys?" Adam, my six year old, walked into my office wearing a coonskin hat. I was seated behind my desk, working on a publisher's deadline while he had been upstairs, watching an old Davy Crockett movie with his...

Why Motivational Speakers are Not Effective

Why Motivational Speakers are Not Effective

Hi Everyone! To say "I am overwhelmed" by your response to starting this blog would be understating it in the extreme. Am I the only one who read every posting from you? Or did you all do that? Either way ... WOW! As we get into more "life stuff" on this blog, I think...

My First Blog

My First Blog

Hi Everyone! As of this very moment, I am diving off the high board and into the deep end of the pool ... THIS IS MY FIRST BLOG! For some time now, I have watched and read the postings of beings far more experienced in navigating the blogosphere than I ... me ......

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