Goats, Lightning Bolts, and Adventures at 14,000 Feet

Sep 5, 2013 | Miscellaneous

I was blown away by this photo… It’s so beautiful that it almost doesn’t look real! But it is! The photo was taken at 14,000 feet on Mt. Evans in Colorado by Verdon Tomajko. The kids’ parents were grazing nearby when the storm started and the photographer was snapping away as the babies were jumping boulder to boulder. He said, “Suddenly, they all jumped to one boulder at the same time, the lightening flashed, and I caught it!”


It is awesome, isn’t it? Of course, we know the “lucky shot” would never have happened if the photographer had not first climbed to 14,000 feet! Wow!! There’s that “Preparedness meeting Opportunity” thing we’ve heard so much about…

Last month, our family visited Ken Davis (see KenDavis.com) and his wife Diane for several days. During that time, I too climbed a mountain. Their cabin (they call it a cabin, but it’s really a beautiful home) is at 9,000 feet. Ken took the boys and me as far up the mountain as we could go in a pick-up truck. After unloading the 4-wheelers, we went as far up as we could go on them. And that was all before we started climbing…

So, I actually know quite a bit about how physically demanding that kind of climb must have been for the goat photographer. Why? Because, my friend, I passed the piddly 14,000 feet mark very quickly as I was being forced by a 67-year-old man and two skinny boys to climb at least a million feet (on boulders) straight up Mt. KEN-imenjaro! Thank goodness Ken took pictures of the boys. My camera (or my legs or my lungs or my brain) did not function well at that altitude!!!

Days after the climb, I was so sore that I read Ken’s very cool book, Fully Alive, just to make sure that I was. It has inspired me to begin writing a sequel to Ken’s book…I’m calling it Barely Alive.


Love you all,


Andy Andrews


When we got to the top, it started raining, then quickly turned to sleet. (I ain’t kidding about this part…) Talk to the boys sometime for the full story!


Just to make you aware, Amazon has temporarily lowered the price of the Kindle edition of my book The Noticer to $2.99! This edition also includes the first chapter of the yet-to-be-released sequel, The Noticer Returns (coming out October 1). Click here to check out the deal!

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