A Tale of Two Books

Sep 19, 2013 | Miscellaneous

If you’re a longtime reader, you know that my posts are typically a short story or video that illustrates a principle or answers a question from a reader.

But my guys just told me about something that Amazon is doing right now and I wanted to at least let you know.

We’re all excited about the upcoming release of my latest novel, The Noticer Returns (Oct. 1), so my team got together with the fine folks at Thomas Nelson (our publisher) and Amazon.com and came up with a brilliant plan.  For the next couple weeks, they’re discounting the Kindle editions of these two books:



If you don’t own a Kindle—fear not!

You don’t actually have to own a Kindle to read this version of the book. Just read it on any computer, smart phone, or tablet using Amazon’s free Kindle software available here: http://amzn.to/175GXrj


Why are they doing this?


They wouldn’t be nearly giving these books away for no reason. As it turns out, they are trying to get you hooked!  Both of these special editions include a sneak-peak first chapter of my upcoming release, The Noticer Returns.

I’m always amazed when I hear how people are applying the Seven Decisions from The Traveler’s Gift and seeing their lives, businesses, and relationships change for the better. And I’ve yet to write a more beloved character than the old man named “Jones” from The Noticer.  In The Noticer Returns, Jones is back!

If you’ve been meaning to pick up either The Traveler’s Gift or The Noticer, this limited-time Amazon offer might be exactly what you’ve been looking fo



Don’t forget to tell any friends who might want either of these books, so they can take advantage of these specials as well!


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