Weird Ways to Make Family Time Special

Sep 12, 2013 | Family

In this video blog, I give an odd answer to a reader question:


“What specific, intentional things do you do when you’re on vacation with your family to make it special?”



Video Notes:


The vacation itself is kind of special enough. What I like to do is make the “normal” days special.


  • And you can do that with a little imagination.
  • You can do things at a time when you normally wouldn’t do them.
  • One time, I took my boys fishing on a weekday early in the morning before school.


Polly and I actively try to think of these kinds of things whenever we have no plans.


  • All it takes is a little bit of intention and creativity to make a truly special memory for your family.
  • Even if it’s ridiculous, it can still be something they will never forget.


If you can be the person that your kids are excited to spend time with, you can have an amazing family life.



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