A Key Quality of Great Leaders

Apr 18, 2013 | Business

In this video blog, Andy answers a reader question:

What is the value of humility in leadership?


People relate better to those who aren’t blowing their own horn.

  • People relate better to people who are giving and deflecting the praise.
  • The greatest leaders have learned to take the blame when things go wrong, and give the praise to others when things go right.
  • No one wants to follow people who are constantly impressed with themselves.

Example: Legendary Coach Bear Bryant

  • When his teams won, he always gave credit to the players for having great character. He then credited the players’ parents for teaching them to have that character.
  • What parent doesn’t want their child to play for the coach who praises them for being a good parent?
  • When his teams lost, he put the blame on himself for not properly preparing the players.

What other qualities do you think are important in leadership?

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