The Professional Noticer Podcast 

Giving Back with Dr. Barb Rembiesa

Giving Back with Dr. Barb Rembiesa

Tune in to hear Dr. Barb explain how she obtains home essentials for free and uses only two hours a week to do so!  (one hour to prepare; one hour to shop)  Listen and learn as she and Andy discuss multiple examples of how she acquires name brand items to donate to local pregnancy centers, shelters, and nursing homes.  During the height of Covid, she donated 20,000 cases of diapers to local hospitals in Ohio!

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“Come and See” with Jerry Jenkins

“Come and See” with Jerry Jenkins

Tune in to hear Jerry talk about all things writing, including his latest work – Come and See, his second written volume for The Chosen series. Learn what gives him a never ending passion for writing, what his process is, and hear the interesting details behind his relationship with Stephen King.

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Roads of Hope

Roads of Hope

Tune in to hear Joe describe the unique position in which Roads of Hope currently finds itself.  Listen as Andy and Joe discuss specific instances from just LAST WEEK of rescuing orphans from the Russian mafia involved in sex trafficking.  With zero government assistance, Roads of Hope has become the largest rescue program active in the conflict.

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The Escape with Doru Stefanescu

The Escape with Doru Stefanescu

Tune in to hear Doru share the story about his escape from Communist Romania’s brutal Ceausescu regime in 1980.  In addition, as a man who grew up in a Warsaw Pact country, listen to his informed analysis on the war between Russia and Ukraine…and what he believes can unite Americans.

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Uncanceled with Phil Robertson

Uncanceled with Phil Robertson

Tune in to hear Phil describe the aftermath of being canceled from his own hit television program, what gives him the ability to forgive those who continue in their attempts to cancel him, and the unifying message he shares with the world–one that sustains him when adversity comes. 

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Take Two with Lauren Bradford

Take Two with Lauren Bradford

Tune in to hear Andy and Lauren talk about what really happened behind the scenes – and on stage – during her talent competition at the Miss America pageant. Hear her graceful explanation of the outcome, why (contrary to popular opinion!) it’s a good thing, and why her Social Impact Initiative is important for all of us.

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The Stranglehold of Wokeness with Ted Nugent

The Stranglehold of Wokeness with Ted Nugent

Tune in to hear Ted share about his family, his upbringing, and how important parental and self discipline are to the character of a nation. Listen as Andy and Ted discuss our woke, feelings-focused culture, why Ted’s made many of the choices he’s made, and how they’ve impacted the trajectory of his life. 

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About Andy Andrews

Hailed by a New York Times reporter as “someone who has quietly become one of the most influential people in America,” Andy Andrews is a best-selling novelist, speaker, and consultant for the world’s largest corporations and organizations. He is the author of the New York Times bestsellers The NoticerHow Do You Kill 11 Million People?, and the modern classic, The Traveler’s Gift.

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