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Results for "travelers gift"
What to Do When Something Is “Pretty Much Dead”

What to Do When Something Is “Pretty Much Dead”

Earlier this week, during an email correspondence with my good friend and fellow author Bonnie Latino, I asked about the status of her first book, which had done quite well since its release several months ago. Amid other subjects, she addressed that question by...


About Andy As the New York Times bestselling author of THE NOTICER series, he has written 26 books that have been translated into 40 languages and sold more than 20 million copies. His business book, THE BOTTOM OF THE POOL, was named by FORBES as “One of the Seven...

The Worst Rejections I Ever Received

People often ask what it was like to receive 51 rejection letters when I was trying to get my first novel, The Traveler’s Gift, published. Well, actually writing the book was the hardest part, but the rejection stage wasn’t all that pleasant, either! Rejection is...

A True Friend

If you have kids or ever were a kid, you know how concerned parents are with what kind of friends their children have. Why? Well, obviously it’s because kids tend to take on the behavior of their friends. If your child’s friends are constantly getting into trouble,...

A Dose of Thanksgiving Perspective

Are there certain things that just get under your skin? You know, those little things that make you want to pull your hair out? For example, here are a few of mine: How the line I pick in the grocery store inevitably takes longer than the other available lines (also...

Podcast Episode 44: What Andy’s Books Can Do for Kids

In The Loop with Andy Andrews, hosted by Andy Traub. This week’s special guest, Melinda Leake, is a middle school English teacher from Tennessee who has integrated Andy’s books into her classroom. She discusses the potential that the books can unlock in young people....

Knowing When to Persist and When to Change Direction

A few weeks ago I posted a blog asking you to suggest topics for future posts. The response was exciting…and overwhelming. There were so many great suggestions that I wasn’t entirely sure where to start, but I finally settled on one for this week for two reasons: This...


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