Podcast Episode 214: Get the Benefit of the Doubt SO Many More Times Just by Doing This…

Dec 5, 2015 | Podcasts

In The Loop with Andy Andrews, hosted by David Loy

Click here to download the transcript of this episode.


On this week’s episode, I talk about our family’s Thanksgiving traditions, and why it pays to express your gratefulness.


We almost always have Thanksgiving at our house.

  • We’ve maybe only spent Thanksgiving away once or twice since the boys were born.
  • The parade is always on. We don’t really sit and watch it, but we’re in and out of the room with the cooking and playing outside.
  • I will smoke the turkey on the Kamado Joe and make “Cranberry Whomp.”
  • Polly makes “Green” (which is a Jell-O salad), dressing (not to be confused with stuffing), and cornbread—plus other family members bring treats as well.


Gratefulness is a daily thing to express. Unexpressed gratefulness is not gratefulness.

  • It’s an honorable way to live your life and it also has great benefits, too.
  • People don’t understand that their lives would be so much easier, better, and more filled with opportunity if they just lived their lives expressing grate
  • Learn to look for reasons to express your gratefulness.
  • One of the things I learned when I was working regularly with the military is that on the holidays they will always prepare an empty place setting—symbolizing the kids whose mom or dad won’t be with them because they’re overseas or in H
  • It’s one more way to remember how thankful we are that we’re all together and to remember them and thank them for their sacrifice for us.


Tune in to hear about a special deal for the listeners of this episode. Hint: it will help you develop an opportunity-attracting mindset—and save you $100 on a special item!


Side note: If you’ve experienced a problem with In The Loop updating on your podcast feed, simply unsubscribe and resubscribe to the feed. We ran into an issue several weeks back that caused some subscribers to lose connection with the most recent episodes.

Thanks for listening and sorry for the inconvenience!


Questions for Andy

Would you like to run something by Andy? Contact us and your question might be featured on the show!

  • Phone: 1-800-726-ANDY
  • Email: InTheLoop@AndyAndrews.com
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If you have questions or comments for THE PROFESSIONAL NOTICER, please contact us at: TheProfessionalNoticer@AndyAndrews.com

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