Podcast Episode 156: Overcoming Your Emotional Instability – With Special Guest, Patsy Clairmont

Oct 25, 2014 | Podcasts

In The Loop with Andy Andrews, hosted by David Loy

Click here to download the transcript of this episode.


On this week’s episode, we have Patsy Clairmont back in the studio to talk about her new book Twirl, and share some personal stories.


A lot of people have ideas but it’s rare the people can actually pull them off. Patsy brings people into her home who need to do something creative in their lives.

  • It’s a planned way of getting in touch with the stories that have been sitting inside you for years.


Patsy’s battle against agoraphobia:

  • I was an agoraphobic by the time I hit my early twenties and began to let my emotions rule my choices.
  • Once I learned I could make a choice in spite of my unstable emotions, then I began to find solid ground.
  • That was a tremendous moment of discovery.


“You have been created with a will that is stronger then your emotions.”

  • I tripped and messed up over and over but I was getting stronger and started having more success.
  • I realized that a lot of my thoughts came out of the disuse and the imbalance of my own metal condition rather than from scripture.
  • When agoraphobics come to me and say, “What do I do?” I say, “It’s not going to sound like the good news—but trust me, it is. It will be the hardest work you’ve ever done, but what you will get from it will be your greatest reward. You’ll find your sanity and discover your dignity.”


Patsy’s new book, Twirl, just came out.

  • When I was a little girl, my daddy used to twirl me around and around, and I would be full of wonder. I would get up, run to him and say, “Do it again, Daddy. Twirl me.”
  • What I find in life is we can loose track of ourselves in the business. We forget how we are in our attempt to be all things to all people.
  • What I hope to do with Twirl is to give ideas to people of how to self-nurture and take responsibility for themselves. The better condition you’re in, the more value you will have to offer another person. When you’re running on an empty tank, you’re thinking thin thoughts; but when you’re storing up good stuff, you can’t wait to give to another life.


Questions for Listeners

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  • Phone: 1-800-726-ANDY
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