High-Impact Life with Kelli Masters

High-Impact Life with Kelli Masters

This week, Andy hosts Kelli Masters—Founder and President of KMM Sports, NFL Sports Agent, Attorney, and Author. Tune in to hear Kelli talk about finding her calling and fulfilling her purpose to serve others. She discusses how fear of failure was her original driving...
The Confluence Group with Tack Robinson

The Confluence Group with Tack Robinson

On this week’s episode, Andy hosts Tack Robinson—CEO and Managing Director of The Confluence Group—the marketing department for Honey Brake Lodge. Tune in to hear Tack’s story about meeting Toxey Haas while working odd jobs in college, being hired and working with...
Generational Quiz Off: Round 3

Generational Quiz Off: Round 3

This week, Andy hosts Emily Isbell—Social Media Director for The Andy Andrews Group. Emily (Gen Z) is back and quizzing Andy (Baby Boomer) on the meaning behind popular emojis, “swiping right or left,” TikToK personalities, some very interesting slang, and more! But...
Angel’s Envy with Wes Henderson

Angel’s Envy with Wes Henderson

This week, Andy hosts Wes Henderson—Co-Founder and Chief Innovation Officer for Louisville Distilling Company, the producer of Angel’s Envy bourbon. Tune in to hear Wes talk about growing up in the business and falling in love with science. His father was the Master...

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