How to Come Up With Life-Changing Ideas
The three most common excuses we tell ourselves for not being able to do something are: I don’t have enough time. I don’t have enough money. I don’t have enough leadership. The reality, however, is that none of us are ever short of time, money, or...
How to Smile While Talking
In today’s video blog, Andy answers a reader question: How do you smile while you talk without feeling phony? Smiling while you talk can do more for you than you would ever imagine. People will gravitate toward you. They will remember you. You will attract more...
A Key Quality of Great Leaders
In this video blog, Andy answers a reader question: What is the value of humility in leadership? Notes: People relate better to those who aren’t blowing their own horn. People relate better to people who are giving and deflecting the praise. The greatest leaders have...
The Secrets to Turning an Idea Into a Business
In this video blog, Andy answers a reader question: How do you take a great idea and actually make a business out of it? To start a business from an idea, you have to figure out one thing: what value does that idea have to other people? It’s not necessarily about how...