Andy’s Blog 

Elephants, Mosquitoes, and Going the Extra Mile

I’m writing today to ask you a very important question upon which things in your life will greatly depend in yet unseen ways. Are you ready? Here it is: Have you ever been bitten by an elephant? Have you? Okay, I’m going to go out on a limb and assume that most of you...

The Most Harmful Phrase in Any Language

Over 20 years ago, I began publishing a series of books called Storms of Perfection. Each volume contained 52 letters written by extremely successful individuals in which they chronicled their biggest failures, setbacks, and hardships on their journey toward success....

Why You Should Join Facebook and Twitter

Don’t roll your eyes, but I want to share with all of you a way that Facebook and Twitter can actually enhance your lives. I know, I know…they might seem silly to you, but just bear with me! You see, if we all agree that we should be on a constant search for wisdom in...

Are You Growing Old…or Just Getting Old?

I want to take a survey. Of everyone out there reading this blog post, how many of you would describe yourself as living “fully alive”? I’m wondering about this because I just finished my friend Ken Davis’ fantastic new book titled Fully Alive. The title comes from a...

Knowing When to Persist and When to Change Direction

A few weeks ago I posted a blog asking you to suggest topics for future posts. The response was exciting…and overwhelming. There were so many great suggestions that I wasn’t entirely sure where to start, but I finally settled on one for this week for two reasons: This...

Letter to the Editor

This morning, I am looking at a “letter to the editor” that I cut from our local newspaper.  It’s been professionally framed and I’m deciding where in my office it should hang.  As I sit at my desk, looking for the perfect spot, I am thinking about our...

Here We Go . . . Again!

Hey everyone! We've had a lot of new readers find their way to the blog over the past month or so, so I wanted to give everyone a little refresher on just what this blog is all about. This is a post I wrote almost three years ago that I think will give you a good idea...

A Story of Shocking Failure (And How We Can Avoid It)

I want to tell you a story from early in my career, a story that is famous within my family, but that I haven’t told very much outside of them and close friends. I won’t mention any names because you would know them. Years ago, we had three friends—one was a huge...

A Quick Tip for My Fellow Dads on Father’s Day

This week, Andy recorded a special Father’s Day video blog that will show you a simple way to do something special even when you only have 30 minutes to spare. Click below to watch it now!

Unlock a Life Filled With True Joy and Lasting Fulfillment


This transformative guide reveals the secrets to cultivating joy from within, enhancing your relationships, and thriving in both personal and professional life. Download now and start your journey towards a happier, more effective, and joyful existence!

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