Andy Andrews on TV & Radio

Apr 27, 2009 | Miscellaneous

Hi Everyone!

We wanted to keep you in the loop and let you know where you can listen and see Andy Andrews in the next week.

Rick and Bubba tag

Tuesday, April 28th, Andy will be on LIVE with Rick and Bubba Show from 7:00 am – 8:00 am CST or on XM 158 at 11 am CST.

Check your local listings.

Dave Ramsey Tag

Wednesday, April 29th, Andy’s interview with Dave Ramsey on the Fox Business Network will be preempted because of a presidential speech. Make sure you’re subscribed to Andy’s YouTube Channel and stay tuned!

Find Dave Weeknights on Fox Business at 7pm – 11pm CST.

Direct TV Channel: 359

Dish Network Channel: 206

Good Morning America Tag

Then Wednesday, May 6th, Andy will be on Good Morning America.

Be sure to join us in the movement surrounding the book called, The Noticer Project.

The Andy Andrews Team

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