Podcast Episode 185: When Should I Start My Family, and How Many Kids Should I Have?

May 16, 2015 | Podcasts

In The Loop with Andy Andrews, hosted by David Loy

Click here to download the transcript of this episode.


On this week’s episode, I answer a listener question on determining your kid count, and why you shouldn’t let fear be the deciding factor.


Some people grow up and they’re dying to have kids.

  • Polly and I were not like that, and we got married kind of late.
  • Several years went by where one of us would say, “Are we going to have kids?” and the other would say, “Yeah…sometime.”
  • Polly finally said, “If we’re going to have kids, we need to have them now.”
  • Austin was born when I was 40, and only then did we realize just how much we loved kids—and wanted to have more.


I think there are huge benefits to being older parents, but be careful about waiting too long.

  • Especially don’t let finances dictate when you’ll have children.
  • How many times do we hear people say, “We were dirt poor and didn’t really realize it until we looked back”?
  • To become the adult you are, you had to go through some tough times.
  • Isn’t it curious that oftentimes the one thing that made us who we are is the thing we try to keep our kids from going through?


Tune in to the full episode for more details about Andy’s own family’s beginnings, and to hear the question Andy asks troubled families that’s always a game-changer—even for the wealthy.


ALSO in this episode: A special announcement about several opportunities to hear Andy speak LIVE this summer!


Questions for Listeners

Do you have a question? Call in and your question might be featured on the show!

  • Phone: 1-800-726-ANDY
  • E-Mail: InTheLoop@AndyAndrews.com
  • Facebook.com/AndyAndrews
  • Twitter.com/AndyAndrews

If you have questions or comments for THE PROFESSIONAL NOTICER, please contact us at: TheProfessionalNoticer@AndyAndrews.com

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