Why You Should Forgive People Who Are Not Sorry

Jan 2, 2014 | Personal Growth

In this video blog, I answer an important reader question that keeps many people up at night:


Why should I forgive someone who I know is never going to be sorry?



Video Notes


Forgiveness is not about the other person; it’s about you.


When you forgive someone, the person being forgiven does not have to:

  • Ask for it
  • Deserve it
  • Be sorry for what they’ve done
  • Even know you are forgiving them


Forgiveness is about you. It allows you to:

  • Let go of anger
  • Avoid bitterness
  • Stop letting someone else’s actions affect your life
  • “Forgiveness frees the forgiver”


Forgiveness is a decision; it is not an emotion.

  • When you decide to forgive, however, your emotions will eventually follow
  • You have been created with a will that is stronger than your emotions


Forgiveness is not the same as trust.

  • You forgive people who steal from you, but you don’t have to continue doing business with them


I wrote about the principle of forgiveness in my book The Heart Mender


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