The Easy Way to Influence Your Friends and Family

Sep 26, 2013 | Family, Writing

The Noticer ReturnsWell, here we are…

A mere five days away from Jones being back in the release of my new book, The Noticer Returns. I hope you are as excited as I am!

I won’t go into all the details here (they’re in the book), but this was the most difficult time I’ve ever had writing a book. If you think I don’t still spend time reminding myself to “persist without exception”…think again. Ha!

Honestly, though, I could not be happier with how the book turned out. Getting to share more of Jones’ wisdom with you (and revisit it myself) was a privilege.

If you’ve read The Noticer, you know that Jones is the old man who first gave me books when I was homeless, living under a pier. That small act of kindness—a simple gift of three biographies—changed my life forever.

When you give away an influential book…one that has helped you personally…you set in motion great things in the life of the recipient, be it family, friend, or stranger. And that’s exactly what Jones did for me that day.

That’s why, ever since I began writing, I’ve tried hard to create books that are easy for you to share with your friends and family. That’s one of the main reasons why I write stories instead of straightforward non-fiction. It’s a lot easier to get someone excited about reading an entertaining story!

Ever since writing The Noticer, I’ve really begun to notice how many people ended up reading it only because they received it as a gift from someone else! Someone in their life read the book and then began buying more copies to give away. The receiver reads the book and is so moved that the story comes full circle when they write back to me saying how much the book changed their life. And I never get over it!


Here are a couple testimonies just from Facebook alone:


KimKim Riley Wright: I never heard of you until my son gave me The Noticer to read… What a wonderful book. I am forever changed.

VictoriaVictoria Jenkins: Hello, honestly I had never heard of you until a friend gave me The Noticer…I read it and am a changed person…I gave my copy to my 18 yr old son to read also…bought a copy for my sister and have ordered 3 more books from Amazon.

TriciaTricia Basden Rajewski: I’m about halfway through The Noticer. Got the book from a friend… Probably wouldn’t have picked the book in the bookstore. Thank God for my friend.


As I wrote The Noticer Returns, I tried hard to make it something that you would be excited to give to your friends, family, coworkers, employees, church members, etc. After all, advertising counts for little anymore—but your personal recommendation and word of mouth can still travel great distances.

To take things one step further, the guys on my team have sweetened the deal if you’re interested in purchasing multiple copies to give as gifts. So if there are at least three people in your life who you know need to read this book, I encourage you to click here and check out the exclusive bonuses and discounts we’ve put together for those who are buying three or more copies.

(I’m particularly excited that we’re giving away the unreleased Becoming a Noticer audio program to those who get three books…it was a blast to record!)

Anyway, I hope this post has found you well and eager to spend more time with an old man named Jones. Not Mr. Jones. Just Jones.

October 1 is almost here!

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