The Winning Facebook Question

Mar 18, 2011 | Miscellaneous

Hey, everyone!

We recently did a contest on my Facebook page where we asked everyone to submit a question they would like David Ponder (the main character from The Final Summit and The Traveler’s Gift) to answer. The winner received a free personalized copy of my new book, The FiThe Traveler's Gift Tagnal Summit, before its official release. We got a ton of great questions! They were really interesting and brought up a lot of stuff I had never even thought about!

The one we ended up picking for David to answer was from a friend named Mark. He wanted to know whom David Ponder would pick for the cast of a hypothetical movie version of The Traveler’s Gift. I thought I would blog the response so those of you who aren’t on Facebook could take a look! Here it is:

“Mark, great question! For myself, I would pick Tom Hanks. He’s a great actor and an average looking guy. Let’s face it—no one is going to buy Johnny Depp or Tom Cruise playing me! For Harry Truman, I would pick Gary Sinise. Man, this is turning into a Forrest Gump reunion! Just picture him with white hair. I still can’t get over how good True Grit was, especially Hailee Steinfeld’s performance as the little girl, Mattie Ross. She would be my first choice to play Anne Frank. Can she do a Dutch accent? She could! I have to go with Jeff Daniels for Joshua Chamberlain since he was so good when he played him in Gettysburg. If it ain’t broke… Robin Williams is the only guy I can think of who is zany enough to play Christopher Columbus, a man who seemed crazy at times, but exuded determination and passion at unbelievable levels. Liam Neeson gets the nod for King Solomon. I’m pretty sure he can hide his Irish accent. Abraham Lincoln’s physical stature makes him tough to pull off, but I’m going to go with Daniel Day-Lewis. There really is a resemblance! Last but not least is the Archangel Gabriel, my guide. Truly, I don’t think there is anybody capable of physically resembling Gabriel. After all, he’s not even human. So, for Gabriel, I would pick Morgan Freeman, because I think he is more than capable of capturing Gabriel’s non-physical qualities—authoritative, unflinchingly honest, and wise. And who doesn’t love Morgan Freeman? Thanks for the question, Mark! Hopefully, I’ll be seeing you from the silver screen someday.” – David Ponder

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I plan on getting David’s picks for the cast of a hypothetical movie version of The Final Summit shortly after the book’s release on April 12, so those of you who aren’t on my Facebook page should head over and click the “Like” button at the top. My team and I do a lot of fun things like this contest pretty often, so be sure to check it out here!

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