The Final Summit Book Contest

Feb 3, 2011 | Writing

As some of Andy Andrews’ most passionate and supportive fans, we wanted to give you an opportunity to take an active role in making The Final Summit one of Andy’s best! Here’s how you can share the inspiration with others and WIN a PERSONALIZED AUTOGRAPH copy of The Final Summit!

Help share the Andy Andrews Inspiration:The Final Summit Easel Tag

Request The Final Summit Book Easel today. The Final Summit Book Easel is a FREE 8×10 slightly oversized book cover announcing the release of the newest book by Andy Andrews, The Final Summit. With this small but mighty promotional tool YOU can help organically spread the word about the author that has made an impact on your life and will surely make an impact on others.

You can request as many as you think you may need, as they are FREE, and we will ship them to you for FREE too. Display your book easels at cash registers, barbershops, bookstores, churches, airport ticket counters…virtually any place that people frequent would be awesome. 

Enter to WIN a FREE AUTOGRAPHED copy of The Final Summit!:The Final Summit Tag

Once you have received your requested FREE The Final Summit Book Easels and have completed your display to help the spread the word about Andy Andrews’ new book, enter to WIN a PERSONALIZED AUTOGRAPH copy by simply doing the following:

1.     Take pictures of your Andy Andrews The Final Summit book easel display.

2.     Send up to three (3) photos of each display along with your name, valid email address, and physical mailing address to:

3.     You will then be entered to WIN a PERSONALIZED AUTOGRAPH copy of The Final Summit.

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