Some special goodies for the kids!

Sep 8, 2015 | Miscellaneous

Well, as hot as it is here, Orange Beach is still a great place to call home. But where did the summer go? The boys are back in school and the talk around here has already shifted to college football—although in this state, the talk never really shifts away from Alabama and Auburn!

It has been a great summer for the Andrews family, and we’ve been having fun with all the great feedback about the book for kids I released back in the spring, Henry Hodges Needs a Friend.

In fact, a few ideas from some of you were so good that we’re actually making them a reality! So for all those who haven’t yet gotten a copy of Henry HodgesHenry Hodges 650 x 650 Audiobook Cover 3D Thumbnail

First: Get one. (Ha!)

Then, just email us a picture of your hard-copy store receipt or forward your online receipt or proof of purchase information to

We will send you:

  1. The Henry Hodges Needs a Friend audiobook download, recorded in studio by me…

Coloring Book 3D Thumbnail

  1. The Henry Hodges Coloring Book, four beautifully designed pages where your kids can unleash their creativity.

The audiobook was a great idea submitted by a grandmother who wanted an audio version of Henry’s story to play for her grandkids on their Sunday car rides. Now she can just press play and I will read the story to them as they follow along with the book in the back seat.

The retail price of the audio and the coloring book together is $25—a little extra gift for those who haven’t yet gotten around to giving Henry’s story to their children.

I’m very proud of this wonderfully illustrated tale. In the story, Henry needs a friend, and with lots of laughs along the way, he finds one in an unlikely place. It’s also a book that will provide comfort and perspective for kids who might be having trouble making new friends.

Let me know how you like Henry Hodges, …please feel free to comment in your email to with a copy of your receipt or proof of purchase!

Take care,


P.S. If you’re interested in purchasing some “Henry Hodges” books in bulk, please click here—we have some extra special bonuses for you!

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