New Curriculum from Andy Andrews

Jan 13, 2011 | Miscellaneous

Hey, everyone!

We are excited to announce to you the addition of a new section packed with new content at—our Education section!

This section is intended to provide curriculum guides, lesson plans, and more to teachers, students, parents, administrators…really to anyone out there teaching any type of course, whether it be public school, private school, home school, Sunday school, Churches, etc.

Currently, our guides range all the way from Pre-K to 12th grade and are available for The Traveler’s Gift, The Boy Who Changed the World, and The Butterfly Effect. We plan on developing and posting guides for all of Andy’s novels in the coming months.

In addition to the guides we develop and post, we would also LOVE to see any guides, lesson plans, activities, etc. that YOU might have created for teaching any of Andy’s material. If you have something you would like to submit, please contact for more information.

And don’t forget to check out today!


– The Andy Andrews Team

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