How to Smile While Talking

May 23, 2013 | Business

In today’s video blog, Andy answers a reader question: How do you smile while you talk without feeling phony?

Smiling while you talk can do more for you than you would ever imagine.

  • People will gravitate toward you.
  • They will remember you.
  • You will attract more opportunities.

Smiling while you talk is a skill, not a talent.

  • Anyone can master a skill.
  • You don’t have to be born with a skill in order to master it.

Take 90 seconds a day and talk to yourself in the mirror.

  • Observe how you look when you smile and talk at the same time.
  • You don’t have to look like Bozo the Clown, and you’ll see that when you practice.

Have you tried smiling while you talk? What results have you seen?

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