Podcast Episode 53: How to Live an Extraordinary Life

Sep 21, 2012 | Podcasts

In The Loop with Andy Andrews, hosted by Andy Traub.

Is there a secret to becoming “extraordinary”? What’s the difference between extraordinary and ordinary?


Define an extraordinary life.

  • An extraordinary life means a lot of different things to different people.
  • But there are several characteristics that they have in common.
  • Being debt-free. It’s hard to live a life of freedom when you’re living with debt.
  • A track record of wise decisions leads to an extraordinary life. Wise decisions lead people to places of influence.
  • Influence is essential because it is part of helping people, which is another key ingredient in an extraordinary life.
  • We all possess influence in some areas.
  • The pursuit of wisdom opens the door to all of these qualities.


How do you want to live?

  • In relation to your family, finances, God, your community, etc.
  • This question will give you a good idea of what your version of an extraordinary life is.
  • If you want to live an extraordinary life, then you can’t live the way most others do, because most people are leading average lives.


Can anyone live an extraordinary life?

  • Yes. Anybody can change their thinking. Anybody can change their actions and their path by changing their thinking.
  • There are two things people need to change: there has to be something in it for them (a benefit); and something has to be proven beyond doubt.
  • Our thinking guides all of our choices. So if we want to make better choices, we have to change our thinking.
  • Your thinking is the foundation that your entire life is built upon.


What do extraordinary people do that average people don’t do?

  • They get up early and with a purpose. If you don’t have something to do, create something to do.
  • Create a spirit of gratefulness in your life and your children’s lives.
  • Watch out for other people and have manners. Treat people with respect.


 With whom do extraordinary people spend their time?

  • They spend their time with extraordinary people.
  • They spend their time with people who are good examples for them, and who are committed to learning the same things they are trying to learn.


Early to Rise Challenge

  • Go to TakePermission.com/EarlyToRise
  • Put in your e-mail address and first name and you’ll get an e-mail early every morning.
  • Each e-mail will give you encouragement and ideas of what to do with your extra time.


Questions for Listeners

  • Do you have a question? Call in and your question might be featured on the show!


If you have questions or comments for THE PROFESSIONAL NOTICER, please contact us at: TheProfessionalNoticer@AndyAndrews.com

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