Podcast Episode 118: The Funny Side of Parenting

Feb 1, 2014 | Podcasts

In The Loop with Andy Andrews, hosted by David Loy 

On this week’s episode, we have comedian and good friend Jeff Allen on the show to have some laughs and answer a few questions.


Jeff is one of my great buddies and, to me, is one of the funniest working stand-up comedians today. 


One of my favorite bits of his is the Three-Word Vocabulary

  • It’s the signature piece of trying to argue with a 16-year-old.
  • Pfffff, Khhhhk, and Whatever.
  • “Whatever” comes in different frequencies, but one of them affects my nerves.


My son Austin is getting close to getting his drivers license. Jeff shared his experience with having a child at that age:

  • When Jeff’s son started driving, he was so bad that Jeff would let him drive the family to church. That way he got his prayer time in before he got there.
  • Some Sundays had so many miracles on the way to church that they would skip the service and just go straight to Cracker Barrel.  


What is Jeff’s favorite product he has produced and why?

  • The first Bananas DVD he did.
  • The first one is the tightest in terms of content because it’s full of stuff he had been working on for years.
  • The DVD also has his testimony.


You can find more about Jeff on his website JeffAllenComedy.com


Questions for Listeners

Do you have a question? Call in and your question might be featured on the show!


  • Phone: 1-800-726-ANDY
  • E-Mail: InTheLoop@AndyAndrews.com
  • Facebook.com/AndyAndrews
  • Twitter.com/AndyAndrews

If you have questions or comments for THE PROFESSIONAL NOTICER, please contact us at: TheProfessionalNoticer@AndyAndrews.com

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