How I Transformed My Office Into a Source of Inspiration

How I Transformed My Office Into a Source of Inspiration

Oddly enough, my office is my favorite room in the whole house. I say that it’s odd because if I’m in my office it’s usually just for one thing—writing. And writing is not my favorite thing to do. In fact, if you know me at all, you probably know that I don’t enjoy...
1 Silly Question That Banishes Inactivity Once And For All

1 Silly Question That Banishes Inactivity Once And For All

Every now and then, we get a listener question on the podcast that is so good I have to write a blog about it. This is one of those cases. This question actually came up a few months ago on our 4th episode, but it’s one that I get asked in one form or another quite...
You Wrote an Article for WHO???

You Wrote an Article for WHO???

Several times during the process of a new book release, the guys from our office in Nashville get together with the marketing and public relations team from Thomas Nelson Publishers.  I assume the meetings are fairly serious…unless I am there!  I do...
A Fowl Day Ends with Thanksgiving

A Fowl Day Ends with Thanksgiving

The following blog post is Chapter 15 from Andy’s classic collection of short stories Return to Sawyerton Springs.   Everyone around the dinner table smiled as Pat Ward put the last dish in front of them. “I know it’s not much…” The whole family laughed out loud....
More Information on The Final Summit

More Information on The Final Summit

Hi Everyone! We wanted to personally reach out to you about last week’s announcement of the release of Andy’s new book, The Final Summit, and the promotional easels we are making available for FREE to all! Read the information below and find out how you can join us in...
The Final Summit Book Contest

The Final Summit Book Contest

As some of Andy Andrews’ most passionate and supportive fans, we wanted to give you an opportunity to take an active role in making The Final Summit one of Andy’s best! Here’s how you can share the inspiration with others and WIN a PERSONALIZED AUTOGRAPH copy of The...

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