For Your 4th of July…a Priority

For Your 4th of July…a Priority

This morning, I am thinking about a “letter to the editor” that I cut from our local newspaper on June 10, 2010.  It’s been years, but it described history that should be remembered.  Today, I’m also thinking about our upcoming holiday. When I was growing up, the 4th...
One Last Shot Over The Left Field Wall

One Last Shot Over The Left Field Wall

Hank Aaron got another standing ovation yesterday.  As usual, he didn’t make a big deal about it.  He actually stood in line with everybody else, but as he neared the front, somebody recognized him and word that he’d arrived spread quickly. Hank laughed when...
PANDEMIC—A Prayer of Perspective

PANDEMIC—A Prayer of Perspective

Click Here to Watch Andy Read this Prayer on YouTube. <<< Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for today and for the future being designed by this present.  We know the hardest steel is created from the hottest fire and that the most valuable diamond is a...
Good Morning Again…from Orange Beach!

Good Morning Again…from Orange Beach!

This photograph is what the sky looked like at the beach this morning.  It was about 6:15, the water was beautiful, but it was an odd sunrise. At least I’d never seen one like it. Was that a straight cloud coming out of the bigger one. Yep. What the heck? As the...
The Answer is Probably “No.”

The Answer is Probably “No.”

Every year, about this time, I field a handful of inquiries from a head football coach or his staff. Often, someone else talked to them about me months earlier and for whatever reason at the time, no one reached out. Now, however, if the season is not going as they...

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