The 3 Most Inspirational Words You’ve Never Considered
Several years ago, a friend of mine stayed home from work for the third day in a row. She was discouraged, somewhat depressed, and had very little energy. This might not have been such a big deal, but the work she ignored was a business she owned. About a month later,...
7 Proven Keys to Success (and How to Use Them in Your Life )
Let’s face it: most advice about success is bad. After all, if most of it were good, you and I would have to assume—given the sheer volume of advice on the topic a person can access at the click of a button—there would be a lot more successful people in the world...
How to Overcome Discouragement and Live the Life You Were Made to Live
Discouragement is waging a war against our minds. No matter how much we achieve and the amount of progress we make, it always tries to infiltrate our defenses. It’s the voice in our heads saying: “You’re not good enough.” “You’ll look like a fool.” “Who do you think...
The Key to Dealing with Uncertainty
It’s a simple fact of life—everyone has dreams, but most people never get to live them. Some give up on them as soon as they reach adulthood. Others quietly try to keep them alive as they settle into the workforce, squeezing in an hour here and there, hoping the dream...