A New Dog!
It has been a quiet house for the past several months since our beloved Dalmatian, Lucy, passed away. Even with a six year old boy (Adam), a nine year old boy (Austin), and three cats (Figaro, Daniel, and Angel)—you just can’t raise the roof quite as high as you can...
I Loved Lucy
She was one of twelve littermates when we chose her fifteen years ago and believe me, twelve Dalmatian puppies can seem like “a hundred and one” when they come tumbling into a room. They were six weeks old and (remember the movie…) their spots were just...
The Best Place to Eat
Did you know there was one (very famous) fast food chain that spent more than 500 million dollars last year—in advertising alone? Think about that … FIVE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS!! And the food isn’t even that good. Oh, I eat there sometimes. Mostly when I...
Christmas Cards, Killer Whales, and Cows
Whew! This will be a mixed bag today. I have a lot to share and not much time in which to do it … First of all, it looks like the Andrews family has missed every Christmas card deadline this year. Ugh. As much as we enjoy receiving them, it is aggravating that...