A Message from Andy to You
Merry Christmas, everyone! Well, it’s Christmastime and another year has almost passed us by. I don’t know about you, but every year around this time I always get in a reflective mood. Maybe it’s the approaching New Year, the increased amount of...
When I was a boy, we had a Collie named Champ. My parents were out of town when Champ was hit by a car and killed. I can still remember my tears as the lady who was staying with me helped bury our dog in the far corner of the backyard. At the time (I was about twelve)...
You and I Know Bad Manners When We See Them
Actually, I would imagine most of us are so aware of our children and how they act that we can’t help but notice when an otherwise fully-formed-grown-up-person neglects to say “thank you” or “please.” Sadly, this happens a lot in our society. I don’t like it, but I do...
Why I Stopped Reading the News
My definition of FEAR is: The misuse of one’s creative imagination. We all know what fear does to a person’s relationships, finances, and everyday quality of life. Why then, do I sense the national media has latched on to the very same definition, but are...