Why Do They Stay?
Last week, as it barreled toward the Texas coast, Hurricane Ike passed 400 miles from our home in Orange Beach, Alabama. Located right on the Florida/Alabama line, our town saw docks and parking lots underwater as ten and twelve-foot waves broke onto our beaches....
The Worst Day of the Year
I will warn you now. This particular posting is not for children … There. That got your attention, didn’t it? Well, here goes … Remember the Fifth Decision, Today I Will Choose To Be Happy? I must confess that “today” … I am not!...
TV or Not TV … That is the Question!
How much television do you watch? The A.C. Nielsen Company recently reported that 95% of Americans get a strong dose of television every day. The average adult watches a bit more than 34 hours per week; the average child between the ages of two and five watches 3.5...