Leadership 101

Leadership 101

There are many qualities that will help you along the way to creating the life you truly desire. Persistence, gratitude, and service are a few of many possible examples. But there’s one quality in particular that we can tend to overlook when taking stock of...
What Do I Do Now?

What Do I Do Now?

After my last posting entitled “Here We Go …”, I have enjoyed reading your comments on the blog, on Twitter, and on Facebook. I have also talked to quite a few of you in person.  It has been interesting to note that as excited as we all seem to be, there is...
The Second Half Is About To Begin!

The Second Half Is About To Begin!

Thank God for the second half!   Have you ever had that thought?  Has your team ever performed below expectations in the first half, only to seem like a different group altogether in the second half?  Well, in a way, they were a different...
Knowing When to Persist and When to Change Direction

Knowing When to Persist and When to Change Direction

A few weeks ago I posted a blog asking you to suggest topics for future posts. The response was exciting…and overwhelming. There were so many great suggestions that I wasn’t entirely sure where to start, but I finally settled on one for this week for two reasons: This...
3 Questions for Turning Your Passion into a Career

3 Questions for Turning Your Passion into a Career

When it comes to careers, there are four types of people I run into: Those who are unemployed and seeking employment Those who are employed but hate their job Those who are employed but unenthusiastic about their job Those who LOVE their job and can’t wait to...

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