Andy’s Blog 

The Longest I’ve Worked For A Compliment

The Longest I’ve Worked For A Compliment

About twenty years. That is, the best I can figure, the longest I have worked for a compliment. I received it just the other day and it came from a woman I don't really know. The remark containing the compliment was made in the grocery store to Polly, my wife. But to...

The Best Place to Eat

The Best Place to Eat

Did you know there was one (very famous) fast food chain that spent more than 500 million dollars last year—in advertising alone? Think about that ... FIVE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS!! And the food isn't even that good. Oh, I eat there sometimes. Mostly when I come to...

Happy New … Legacy

Happy New … Legacy

Happy New Year everyone! I decided to delay this posting until a few days after the New Year actually started in order to give us all time to "settle in." Flush with the excitement of champagne corks popping and fireworks lighting the sky, it is a bit too easy to make...

Christmas Cards, Killer Whales, and Cows

Christmas Cards, Killer Whales, and Cows

Whew! This will be a mixed bag today. I have a lot to share and not much time in which to do it ... First of all, it looks like the Andrews family has missed every Christmas card deadline this year. Ugh. As much as we enjoy receiving them, it is aggravating that none...

A Grateful Perspective

A Grateful Perspective

It's Thanksgiving time again. Specifically, I mean "the holiday", but I suppose a reminder of the concept is appropriate, too. This year, more than a few of us are fearful, confused, or just plain mad. Understand, please ... I am not preaching here. This posting is as...

The Proof of Hope

The Proof of Hope

At this moment, I am alone outside, watching the sunrise over the ocean on the north shore of Oahu. A quick calculation reveals that I have personally experienced more than 18,000 dawns in my life. Of course, most of them occurred without my presence! Nonetheless, I...

Prospering In Today’s Economy

Prospering In Today’s Economy

"The times, they are a changing." Bob Dylan wrote those words more than a half century ago, but they are at least as accurate now as they were then. "The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind." That was Bob Dylan, too, at about the same time. In today's economy,...

Why We Still Live Here

Why We Still Live Here

After the last posting Why Do They Stay?, I anticipated hearing the question, "Why do you still live there?" And I have. The question has come from several sources since many of you link my blogs with your own or send them to your friends. In addition, quite a few...

Why Do They Stay?

Why Do They Stay?

Last week, as it barreled toward the Texas coast, Hurricane Ike passed 400 miles from our home in Orange Beach, Alabama. Located right on the Florida/Alabama line, our town saw docks and parking lots underwater as ten and twelve-foot waves broke onto our beaches....

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