Andy’s Blog 

The Power of Truth with Love

“You are so judgmental,” she said to him. I was standing at B-17 in Atlanta, about to board my flight to a speaking engagement and could not help but overhear the conversation between the couple in line behind me. “I am not judgmental,” he responded.  “I am not...

My new eBook, no charge!

I’m in between two busy Women of Faith weekends and am sneaking in a bit of time to send you this message for one reason—I’m excited to tell you that I’ve finished putting together a free eBook that you can start reading right away! Storms of Perfection 2 – Highlights...

TV or Not TV…That is the Question!

How much television do you watch?  The A.C. Nielsen Company recently reported that 95% of Americans get a strong dose of television every day.  The average adult watches a bit more than 34 hours per week; the average child between the ages of two and five...

Controlling the Cookie Flow

Today’s world has reached a curious tipping point.  Decisions are made, words are carefully chosen, laws are passed, and protests organized—all because of how someone feels.  We often read news accounts of cities or companies creating regulations that, in...

An Important Announcement for Men Everywhere

In light of football season’s arrival, I have a very important announcement to make for men everywhere. And, ladies, please don’t stop reading now! I promise that this post pertains to you as well. Here is the announcement: Guys, maybe we should put down the remote....

The Second Half Is About To Begin!

Thank God for the second half!   Have you ever had that thought?  Has your team ever performed below expectations in the first half, only to seem like a different group altogether in the second half?  Well, in a way, they were a different...

How to Balance Work and Home Without Losing Your Mind

I haven’t been able to keep the blog topic from a couple of weeks ago off my mind. Maybe it's because I am constantly aware of “striking the balance between work and family.” Maybe it’s because one of the main characters in my upcoming novel is teaching a parenting...

From Chicken Plucker to Superstar

Hey Everyone! It doesn’t often happen, but it is awesome to hear an incredible story you never heard about someone you’ve always admired. That happened to me just a few days ago when an old buddy, Jil Dorman, sent me a story about a young man named Jesse. Jil knew I...

What to Do When We Make Wrong Choices

It’s 3:30 AM. Yes, I am awake.  Why am I up so early? I’m up because the deadline for my next novel is rapidly approaching and I’ve still got quite a bit of writing to do. But before I get started on the next chapter, I have something else on my mind that I want...

Unlock a Life Filled With True Joy and Lasting Fulfillment


This transformative guide reveals the secrets to cultivating joy from within, enhancing your relationships, and thriving in both personal and professional life. Download now and start your journey towards a happier, more effective, and joyful existence!

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