Andy’s Blog 

10 Ways to Get a Head Start on the New Year

Hey, everyone! Wherever you are today, I hope you and your family had a Merry Christmas! Typically, next week would be the time to send out a sort of "Year in Review" blog, but I already have something else special planned for next week (stay tuned!), so I wanted to...

A Christmas Q&A with Andy

Q. What kind of tree do you like? A. We always get a live Fraser Fir. When the tree is up and lit, it probably looks like a Christmas decoration factory exploded nearby and everything landed on our tree. But we like it…   Q. Do you have any special...

Gratefulness, Perspective, and Gordon Mote

Is there someone you always look forward to seeing?  Hopefully there are several “someones”!  Have you ever taken the time to consider exactly what it is about certain people that makes them so easy to be around?  What is the actual foundation of a...

How to Raise Good Kids in a World That’s Not Always Good

It’s one of the most difficult questions I’ve had to deal with as a parent: Do I shield my children’s eyes and ears from things I’d rather them not see or hear, or do I allow them to witness things that I know are not good? This includes, but is not limited to: Any...

A Dose of Thanksgiving Perspective

Are there certain things that just get under your skin? You know, those little things that make you want to pull your hair out? For example, here are a few of mine: How the line I pick in the grocery store inevitably takes longer than the other available lines (also...

The Perfect, “Ordinary” Life

They had a great life. He was a minister of music at a church in a small Alabama town. She was his wife, and the mother of their son and daughter. They loved each other very much. Though their income was modest, they didn’t want for much, and they lived within their...

How You Helped Influence Tens of Thousands

Last week, I sent you a post called “For the Undecided…and for Those Who Are Already Certain.” My goal was to get it in front of as many people as possible before today’s election, and I asked you to help. It’s safe to say that you stepped up, so I want to say one...

A Dozen Ways to Create Memorable Moments with Your Family

With Thanksgiving and Christmas right around the corner (can you believe they’re almost already here?), I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about special family things we can do for the holidays this year. Sometime the other day, however, I realized...

The Traveler’s Gift—The Lost Chapter

We often hear tales of authors having “lost” chapters that, for some reason, just didn’t make it into the book. For years, they sit locked away in some mysterious desk drawer, gathering dust until they are finally unveiled to the public in dramatic fashion. Well,...

Unlock a Life Filled With True Joy and Lasting Fulfillment


This transformative guide reveals the secrets to cultivating joy from within, enhancing your relationships, and thriving in both personal and professional life. Download now and start your journey towards a happier, more effective, and joyful existence!

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