Andy on the Radio in YOUR Hometown!

Apr 15, 2011 | Miscellaneous

Andy will be hitting the airwaves again in cities all over the country on Monday, April 18th, in support of The Final Summit. Check out the list of stations below and tune in to ask Andy questions when he comes on your local radio station. 

* Denotes LIVE. All times in Eastern Time.

Market Station Time (ET)
* Hartford, CT WICH-AM 8:10am
* Daytona, FL WOCA-AM 8:20am
  Ohio Valley, OH WMOV-AM 9:05am
* Colorado Springs, CO KCMN-AM 10:00am
* Lexington, KY WMST-AM 10:10am
* Portland, OR KBKR-AM 11:05am


Please check your local radio station listings for more information on these shows.

-The Andy Andrews Team

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