Why We’re One Step Closer to Changing America

Jan 20, 2012 | Culture/Society

If you’re like us, then you believe How Do You Kill 11 Million People? has the potential to truly change American politics.

Well, we’ve still got a long way to go before that happens, but the news we just received definitely means we’re taking steps in the right direction!

Are you ready for it? Here it is:

We just found out that How Do You Kill 11 Million People? will debut at #7 on the Sunday print edition of the New York Times Best Seller List (Advice and Misc. Category)!

“This is an important book in an important time from an important voice in our culture.  Andy Andrews’ gift of perspective and the ability to explain it in layman’s terms is remarkable.  We’re honored to join him in the quest for truth.”

– Matt Baugher, Senior Vice President and Publisher for Thomas Nelson
(Publisher of How Do You Kill 11 Million People?)

While this accomplishment is a gift for which we are extremely grateful, we believe there is so much MORE this book can do. If you think like we do, here’s a reminder of the things YOU can do to help get the word out:

  • Share your thoughts about the book by posting a review on any online retailer’s website. Reviews can have a HUGE impact on others!
  • Share your thoughts on the book with your circle of friends on sites like Facebook, Twitter, etc…
  • If you have a blog, make a post about the book. And send us a link so we can check it out and repost!
  • Know anyone who doesn’t seem to care about our country’s direction? Let them take a peek at this book…then see how much they care!
  • Send a copy to your congressmen!


Again, we are very excited and want to thank and honor YOU for the huge role you have played in making this happen!

Let’s keep the conversation about this book going!


What has your experience been when sharing the book with others? We’d love to hear about it! 

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