A Message from Andy to You

Dec 23, 2011 | Family

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Well, it’s Christmastime and another year has almost passed us by.

I don’t know about you, but every year around this time I always get in a reflective mood.

Maybe it’s the approaching New Year, the increased amount of family time, or the fact that I’m always forced to eat so much great food that I don’t feel like doing anything that involves moving. Ha!

Anyway, I really enjoy taking just a few moments to look back at the year’s highlights…and I wanted to let you know that one of the best highlights of EVERY year has been…well, YOU!

I want you to know that I appreciate you and all you are doing. Without you, the things I do would not be possible.

I know, I know…that sounds kind of cliché. But things become clichés for a reason…a lot of times they’re true!

So thank you for reading, thank you for listening, and thank you for being a friend. I’m continually amazed by the outpouring of feedback I receive from readers through channels like Facebook, Twitter, my blog, and email.

It’s just more evidence that we truly are all in this together…the Butterfly Effect at work.

To close, I also want to share with you a look back at my 2011 through pictures. These are some of my favorites that I haven’t had the chance to share with you, until now.

And one more time…thank YOU!!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,

Andy Andrews

Andy Carver

Andy and Carver with their Organic Christmas Sandman! His mouth is a pepper from the family garden, his nose is a calamondin from their tree, the eyes are figs from their fig tree, and the buttons are gerbera daisies from their flower pots!

Andy Polly Tag

Andy and Polly

Andrews Family Tag

The Andrews Family

Austin Adam Tag

Adam and Austin – brothers that know how to share!

Sea N Suds Tag

Andy and his Nashville Team enjoying lunch at Sea-N-Suds.

Andy Willie Tag

Andy with Willie from The Noticer, at Sea-N-Suds

Monkeys Tag

Andy and “the monkeys” in Alaska

Austin Adam Sunset Tag

Austin and Adam enjoy a beautiful sunset on an Alaskan Cruise

Austin Carver Tag

Austin and Carver

Go Dolphins Tag

Go Dolphins!

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