Everyone’s Favorite eBook, The Perfect Moment, Just Earned a Spot in the Physical World

Jul 15, 2014 | Family

Do you ever feel like life is flying by faster than you can keep up with it? 

Friends come and go, babies turn into teenagers, things you looked forward to quickly turn into distant memories. We’re so caught up looking forward to the future that we forget about what’s most important—right here, right now.

Guys…it doesn’t have to be that way! We can slow down the pace of life by doing one simple thing—learning to recognize the perfect moments that are occurring in our lives.

What’s a perfect moment? Funny you should ask… because until recently, I didn’t know. In fact, I’d spent almost five decades on this planet completely oblivious to the perfect moments occurring in my life.

Until one day, on a regular afternoon at home in Orange Beach, Alabama, my eight-year-old son said something that changed my life forever.



You’ll find the whole story in my new book, The Perfect Moment: Capturing Life’s Greatest Gifts. This special gift book will show you exactly what a “perfect moment” really is – and then take you on a journey towards living a life absolutely full of them!

At the end, you’ll find easy-to-follow steps that will help you create a vision for the future you want for yourself, with room for you to write in your own goals.

Tens of thousands of people have been inspired by this book already – will you be next?

If you want the book, it’s now available right here on AndyAndrews.com! Just click here to get your own copy. 

Currently, we’re letting you get each copy for 25% off… and 45% off in bulk. AND, if you get a full case of 24 to give to your loved ones and friends… I will sign every single one of them.

Consider it my “new book” gift to you. 🙂

I’m so incredibly excited for you to have this book – I’m betting the story will change your entire perspective on life, just like it changed mine! So, if you’re ready to have your mind blown – grab yourself a copy of The Perfect Moment: Capturing Life’s Greatest Gifts today.


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