Are Your Friends Moving You Forward?

Jul 18, 2013 | Miscellaneous

In this video blog, I answer a reader question: How does someone start over after a divorce? – See more at:



You become the people with whom you spend time.

  • Your mom told you this years ago, but it’s still true for adults.

What is a true friend?

  • Many people say, “A true friend is someone who accepts me as I am.”
  • That is a garbage definition of a true friend.
  • A true friend holds you to a higher standard and holds you accountable for your actions.

A true friend is like a great tennis partner.

  • If you want to be great at tennis, play someone who is better than you.
  • Life is the same way.

If your child is hanging out with someone who you know is going to get them into trouble, you tell them and you put a stop to it.

  • The only difference for adults is that, most of the time, no one is going to tell you when this is happening.
  • It’s something you have to discern by assessing all of your relationships.
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